My studio is an ever evolving space. Having just completed multiple selling shows in October, I have been busy putting things back into order. Now that the boxes are unpacked and the surplus packing materials put away, I am feeling ready to create.
I find that my creativity is very sensitive to my environment. As I get busy making pieces, I pull out lots of materials, keep them around, re-arrange them, examine the juxtapositions. Before I know it I am in a frenzy. And then, just as quickly I have to stop and clean up. Clear my head and focus. And the cycle repeats.

Thought I’d share some with you about my studio. First, it is a private space. I am not an artist that works publicly. My friend Anita (who is with me at shows and many of you know her) always wants me to do demonstrations, saying that customers would love to see me in action. But being on display crimps my creative processes so I have never done this. In fact, I don’t open my studio to the public. For me, the creative process…getting into the “zone”…is something that requires a certain focus and degree of solitude.

It is November in North Carolina. A really beautiful time of year, the foliage is turning amazing shades of orange, yellow, red and purple (carnelian, citrine, coral and amethyst). This is always very inspiring for me. It started with the skylight over my desk in the office this morning. Yesterday’s rain brought down a lot of leaves and some were plastered to the window. In the background, blue sky and tall trees. That caused me to go to each window and photograph the view. So here are some views out the skylight and windows of my studio. Enjoy!