
c o n t e m p l a t i o n s a n d i n s p i r a t i o n s o f a n a r t i s a n j e w e l r y d e s i g n e r

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

highpointMARKET, just around the corner

Twice a year I fill my showroom in High Point with loads of goodies for the highpointMARKET.  This is a 6-day market, previously known as the International Home Furnishings Market.  I look forward to this market every time.  And this season I have developed a great collection.  Lots of new Signature Collection pieces, and some new collections as well.  

So if you attend highpointMARKET, stop by and take a break from your hectic pace.  Pick up some hand-made artisan jewelry.  If you have a store it will be a perfect complement for what you are scouting in the High Point showrooms, and if you just need a treat for yourself (we know you deserve it) we can help with that as well.

We are still in the Suites at Market Square on the mezzanine level (that's one floor up from ground level).  Although everything was remodeled last year, we are essentially in the same area as before, down the aisle from Panera Bread.

We look forward to seeing you in High Point!

September's Stone - Blue Sapphire or Lapis

A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September’s breeze,
A sapphire on her brow should bind;
To bring her joy and peace of mind.
-Gregorian Birthstone Poem

Happy Birthday September babies. The leaves are going to start changing soon (or not so soon for those of us living in North Carolina), and the rich colors of fall are a fantastic background for a special birthday celebration! In case you or someone who loves you wants to give a special birthday gift this year, I highly suggest a gift with your gorgeous birthstone, Blue Sapphire. 

Blue Sapphire is truly a stone fit for a queen (and why shouldn’t you be treated like a queen on your birthday?).  This gem is very prominent among the British Crown jewels and was even the engagement stone from Prince Charles to Princess Diana. 

Far before the British Crown jewels, Blue Sapphire was considered a special gem.  Ancient civilizations thought the whole world was set on a giant sapphire that painted the sky with its reflection. Some people believe that the Ten Commandments were actually written on tablets made of sapphire. 

It was also believed that Sapphire would protect against jealousy and poisoning.  When ground into a powder, Blue Sapphire was thought to cure colic, rheumatism, mental illness, and to strengthen eyesight. 

The deep blue stone is a symbol of wisdom and purity.  As a gift it represents sincerity and faithfulness. 

Happy birthday September! I hope you have a great one filled with special people (and hopefully special gifts)!