
c o n t e m p l a t i o n s a n d i n s p i r a t i o n s o f a n a r t i s a n j e w e l r y d e s i g n e r

Friday, August 03, 2012

Juried Shows

I have spent some time over the last month applying to juried shows for next year. This involves artists statements and uploading photographs, usually four or five per application, with detailed descriptions of materials and construction processes. It can be an exacting process. Juries for these shows are usually composed of other artists, sometimes exhibitors, or gallery owners who judge your entire body of work based on four or five images and short descriptions flashed up on a screen. So the quality and impact of your photography can be as important as the work itself.

I thought I would share some of the images that I have used for these applications. It will be many months before I know the results but in the meantime, here is some of my portfolio. What do you think?

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