
c o n t e m p l a t i o n s a n d i n s p i r a t i o n s o f a n a r t i s a n j e w e l r y d e s i g n e r

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Accentuate the Positives (continued): Discover the Right Necklace to Flatter You

By Intern and Guest Blogger - Jenny Kaplan

Just like earrings, the right choice of necklace can emphasize or deemphasize your face shape and completely change your look.  Here is a brief but insightful look at the right kind of necklace for you.

Oval face (face is longer than it is wide, jaw line can be slightly smaller than the hairline, both are rounded)
  • Once again, I must tell you that you are incredibly lucky! Almost all necklaces look good on you and there are no definitive exceptions! 
Square face (strong jaw line, cheek bones, chin, and hairline are about the same width, length and width of the face are the same)
  • Wearing a necklace with a short, fine chain with a small pendant will emphasize the angular nature of your face and will make your jawline look larger.  To make your face look softer, try wearing a longer necklace or a necklace with a thicker chain and larger pendant. 
Triangular face (narrow brow and wider jaw line)
  • If your face is triangular, the right necklace for you really depends on whether your jawline is angular or rounded.  If angular, you should follow the suggestions for a square face, and if rounded you should see the suggestions for a round face.  
Round face (soft and curved with equal length and width)
  • Pearls and round beads should be worn at a longer length, in order to prevent overemphasizing the roundness of your face.  When choosing the size of the pearls or beads, you should consider the size of your facial features.  The larger the beads are, the more they will emphasize the roundness of your face.  Also, chokers create a horizontal line at the neck and will make your face look wider.  In order to make your face look more oval, you should avoid wearing thin chains because they will make your face look larger.  
Heart shaped face (wide brow and narrow chin)
  • Necklaces with an angular pendant directly under the chin will emphasize that stronger feature on your face.  In order to make your face look more oval, try a choker or short necklace with a rounder shape. 
Now that you’ve read my suggestions, go see for yourself what you think works best on you! Maybe this is a perfect shopping opportunity to find a necklace that really flatters your face.

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